
Monday, September 8, 2008

Happiness is something one decide on ahead of time...

Happiness is own made,
Happiness is own baked...
Happiness is something one decide,
ahead of time....

Happiness is a great deal...
Happiness is a real booster...
Happiness is tapped,
ahead of time...

Close your eyes to visualize happiness...
It glows and you will feel the warmth expanding...
Chose to venture into fields of happiness...
It is the Intention of the Divine to be accepting...

Be receptive of great happenings...
Be grateful of all creations and happenings...
Give before you take...
Pray and give thanks before you eat...

Be happy, choose to be happy...

Be an appreciator, not a depreciator...

When one appreciates, one looks at values...
When one depreciates, one subtracts values...
Choose to appreciate, to look at each other's values...
Choose not to depreciate, it loses one's values...

Be priceless and of value...
Be attentive to adding values...
You are intended to be of value...
Just that you misplaced your values...

Be of value...

Post 730, The power of choice... Allow yourself to open to the doors of happiness...

Somebody criticises you,
Somebody offends you,
Somebody condemns you,
Somebody purposely angers you....

What can you do?

Where is there this defense system?
We aren't going to allow anger or sadness to interupt us...
Where is there this immune system?
We can close the door to despite and hurt!

Yes, there is...

Just apply the power of choice...
Just do not allow our emotions to be disturbed...
Just heed not what was being thrown at you...
We listened, but we never heard it's meaning that was meant to hurt....

Yes, there is..

The power of choice....
Choose not to be disturbed...
Choose not to open the door of your heart...
Forgive them, they don't know their wrongs....

Yes, there is...

Learn to undigest and delete...
Learn to reprogram and regenerate...
Why allow negative energies to influence us?
Why allow low energies to distract us?