
Friday, October 31, 2008

Love is Divine...

Love is Divine.
To render an act fit
to be offered to God and pure enough
to win His Grace, it has to be
a manifestation of love.

Love is not affected or
modified by considerations of
caste, creed, or religion; it cannot
be tarnished by envy, malice or hate.

Preserve love from being poisoned
by these evils; endeavour to cultivate
a broad mind, uncontaminated by feelings
of hatred and parochialism.

The root of all religions,
the substance of all scriptures,
the destination of all paths,
the inspiration of all individuals is the Principle of Love.

It is the firmest foundation for man's mission of Life.
It is the Light that ensures peace and prosperity in the world.

from a divine source

If anyone talks ten words at us, if we reply at all, let us reply with one word...

If anyone talks ten words at us,
if we reply at all, let us reply with one word.

Do not quarrel, retaliate or
bandy words with anyone, giving tit for tat.

The color of glasses you wear determines the color in which things appear to you...

The color of glasses you wear
determines the color in which things appear to you.

If you wear red glasses,
everything will appear red.

If you wear green glasses,
everything will appear green.

Pure thoughts make the world appear as pure.
If you view things with a loving heart,
the whole world, the whole creation will appear to you as a reflection of love.

from a divine source