
Friday, January 30, 2009

No doubt, one is bound by the result of one's own actions...

Just as the electric current passes through the wire, intellect enters and influences all senses of a human being. Hence, every human being should make proper use of their intellect and undertake only righteous actions at all times. No doubt, one is boundby the result of one's own actions-- good or bad. And, no result is possible without performing an action.

from a divine source

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Man needs a healthy body in order to have a healthy mind filled with good thoughts...

Man needs a healthy body
in order to have a healthy mind
filled with good thoughts.

It must be recognised
that the purpose of sports
and music is to confer health
and happiness on man.

There are three benefits
to be derived from sports and games:
team spirit, mutual understanding and joy.

Even if men speak different languages
and differ in their habits and cultures,
in the field of sports they have a common bond,
a spirit of camaraderie.

True education consists
in the cultivation of good thoughts
and acquiring good qualities like truthfulness,
devotion, discipline, and dedication.

These are also the qualities
that should be acquired through sports and games.
These qualities serve to impart health and joy to the subtle body.