
Saturday, April 25, 2009

One has to acquire humility, activate discipline and a good character....

"Together with the knowledge of the natural sciences, one has to acquire humility, activate discipline and a good character."

Truth is realized that the spirit will experience true peace and contentment...

“Of what avail is it to be a scholar or clever intellectual, if one does not practice even a fraction of what one knows? Not all the luxuries and pleasures of the world will give man contentment and peace. Only when the Truth is realized that the Spirit will experience true peace and contentment.”

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Back to nature...... so green so fresh.... smell the goodness of cool nature....

Learn from nature. Nature has been here ever since this place called the earth was born....

Post 820 Be at peace with one another.... to husband and wife, to siblings, to friends.... 'forgive and forget'

Life is too short to be aiming at each others' throat...
Life is too short to be spent at each others' wounds...

Treasure all where and when we still have time...
Treasure all where and when we are still living....

The art of balancing... Too much of anything is never good, but lack of just a small portion is fatal...

The art of balancing is always applicable to all things. Too much of a certain thing is never good, but lacking of just one single vital ingredients will create havao.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Post 812... The foundations of good health...[part 2]

Health awareness + Health goals + Health knowledge + Health investment + Persistence in action = Good Physical Health

[3] Health knowledge
I used to share this..."If you know what to do or can solve all health problems, it is because you know how. This 'know how' is appropriate knowledge applied. Thus likewise, to obtain health, we should at least must acquire health knowledge.

A doctor in the making needs at least 5 to 6 years. Learning is inevitable. Thus when one talk about good health, one should be at the very least know about preventive measures. One should at least know the reasons why one will get sick and how to prevent illness!

We have our immune system to heed, our repair system, our detoxifying system, our anti-aging system, our anti-stress and anti-cancer capabilities. What about our respiratory system, our digestive system, our immune system, our lymphatic system, our reproductive system and nervous system and all the lots...

One should learn about food pyramids, the importance of balanced diets and nutritional values of different types of food. It too include the awareness of the danger of wrong eating and over eating. And are we cooking healthy, eating healthy and seldom or take no rubbish foods!

The skill comes along with what to eat and not to eat, when to eat, how to eat, how much to eat! And the art of balancing what we eat. What about those habits or food that cause us to fall sick? How will rubbish foods or destructive foods affect all of us?

And more important of all, health should be achieved in all 4 dimensions of health, physical body, mind, emotion and spirit!

Once again, it is the know how, the preventive measures that all of us should acquire! Don't wait till it is too late.

[4] Health investments in the form of time and money!
All of us want health. We need to buy health, we need to invest time! Air, water, food and drinks... are they safe to breathe, take or eat? In this modern time, water filter is a must, food supplement is a must, balanced food is a must but are we doing them well?

How balanced is our food we take? 'Macro' refers to the 3 meals of the day. The 3 meals refers to the 'more' intake. 'Micro' refers to the trace minerals, vitamins, phyto-nutrients that our body also need but in small amounts. Too much of anything is never good, but lack of just one rare mineral or vitamin will cause havoc. To get a balanced diet is the most important duty in the maintenance of good and proper health.

Scientists have proven that our body needs at least 40 nutrients a day! It contains 10 types of amino acids that our body cannot make, some vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients to keep our body fit and healthy!

And we need time to do proper exercise. We need time to do relaxing or detoxifying. We need time to recover! We need to earn them...

This really is a vast topic! One can write tons of books just from health care. Thus are we willing to invest our money to buy all those healthy foods and food supplements or spend time to get to know more about preventive measures?

[5] Persistence in action
Nothing is more important than to be consistent and persistent in what one is doing. To achieve total health, one should never stop in action. Our body metabolism must keep on, our body cells must be fed well to go on living healthy and we need to survive fit!

The above 5 fundamental points that contribute to our good health is too important to ignore. Health knowledge, health care, health prevention are a MUST! One will not live to regret when one is equipped with the basic knowledge of self health care. It PAYS!

Many 'doctors of the future' will appear, talking about the same thing, on preventive measures to stay healthy! Many now are more health conscious and at least rays of hope are shinning amongst us. Thus good health is earned! My message of today, 'Stay healthier and be happier!'

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Post 811 The foundations of health..[part 1]

Health awareness + Health goals + Health knowledge + Health investment + Persistence in action = Good Physical Health

Health and wealth, health and beauty. They are always inter-related. If you want to be attractive, you need to stay healthy! If you want to enjoy life, you need to stay healthy too! Each one is never complete without the other. Let's talk more about health....

[1] Health awareness
Health awareness might come in the form of:
- own illness
- sufferings/pain
- illnesses from loved ones
- from health sources
- self awareness of good health
- from books and mass media

Health awareness is always a wake-up call for a person to be more health-conscious. Only then a person will be more conscious and be aware of the importance of health. Health is hope. When there is hope, we can have everything. Without health, one can never enjoy his assets or wealth or just being a good friend to another person. He is just too tired to get involved!

[2] Health goals
Health goals are for all of us. One should feel the need to be healthy and remain healthy. Good health needs to be earned. It never just happened or can be taken for granted. One need to understand his health line before adjusting himself to achieve GOOD health.

Draw a graph, one side good health, the other EARN, then draw a health line with 4 points, naming it A, B, C and D. Thus one will see a health line with 4 destinations/points. Earn refers to proper exercise, positive attitude, enough rest and balanced nutrition.

At A, one is under medical care or being hospitalized. He cannot work and is ill. He is in a great deficiency and suffering. His condition might either be going up to B or sliding down towards death. I call this level POOR health.

At B, one looks fine, he can work, can eat, can move around but in actual fact, he is under medication. He is dependent on pills. He might have all the modern sickness like high blood pressure, diabetes, headaches, sleepless nights, fatigue, allergies, stressful days, heart problems or kidney problems. Sometimes he is ill but not at all times. He is either underweight or overweight. Due to his illness, there are some food or drinks that he should never touch. I call this level FAIR.

At C, one really looks fine, he can work, can eat and is healthy all the time. He doesn't take any pills or under any medication. He can easily adapt to all environment and is not afraid of cold or heat. He can move around fine and is free of any modern sickness! He can eat almost anything given and feels good all the time! I call this level GOOD.

At D, one is at optimum health. Well, to say the truth, no one can be at this level unless it is a someone who is a saint and meditating in the Himalayan Mountains. He is stress free, work free, perhaps just meditating. He can well live through ripe ages, as long as 150 to 180 years old. Air is perfectly clean, water is perfectly clean and he worries for nothing, just emphasizing on his spiritual journey. I call this level OPTIMUM.

Understanding all these few points, one should aim to achieve the level of C. So, are you willing to go forward to attain level C? If this is your goal, then I congratulate you... when one has a goal, one knows the direction of his health clear and loud.

How much effort are we putting into it to earn and gain our health? To be fit and not ailing?

to be continued...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Good health should be earned...

Good health should be earned.

E - enough exercise

A - positive attitude

R - enough rest

N - proper balanced nutrition