
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good students of life recognize real mentors...

Good students at school will recognize
good teachers being reasonable and good...
Bad students at school will complain
good teachers being unreasonable and bad...

That's for sure...
Because bad students hate to be disciplined
and scolded for their mistakes....
so it is just as natural that someone call you undisciplined....


Wisdom is only obtained through defeating the inner foes of lust, anger, greed, attachments, pride and jealousy....

Have no thorn of hate in your mind..

Have no thorn of hate in your mind...
Develop love towards all...

Desire is a storm, greed is a whirlpool,
Pride is a precipice, attachment is an avalanche,
Egoism is a volcano!

Keep these things away, so that you can
enjoy undisturbed in your heart...
Then there is warm sunshine and cool breeze!

And the gurgling waters of contentment
will feed the roots of faith in your heart...

All weaker thinking people will feel defeated before actually going into the battle fields of challenges...

All weaker thinking people will feel defeated before actually going into the battle fields of challenges, thus proving themselves a failure... nobody else say so, it is they themselves who feel so lost. And there are so many types of eagles... if you know what I mean.. Perhaps not even an eagle, just a big chicken... haha

Only with our best attitude that we can climb to higher aptitude to succeed, so make sure that we possess them...

Everyone has goals of life, be it small or big..
Everyone wish to achieve our goals of life, be it small or big...
Coming to realize that one needs to polish one's attitude...
Coming to realize that one needs to possess good attitude...

Thus only with our best attitude,
that we can climb to higher levels..
To succeed, thus make sure that..
we possess our best attitude...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

A good yield needs time and favourable environment to produce...

When we didnt see any results...
When we only see small results...
When we havent seen any bigger results...
What can be the reason behind that?

There is nothing of anything
to complain or grumble of who
and what or how we are now...
Why fear when we have been doing the correct thing?

Always remember that
there is this growing process
that all of us have to face..
soon the maturing stage will come..

Sow only good seeds... only then it will bear good fruits...

What we do now will be
reflected in the days to come...
thus sow only good seeds,
only then they will bear good fruits...

These fruits will be then so sweett...
These fruits will be then so satisfying...
And the seeds are ready to be replanted again...
And happiness and sunshine will always be there...
for you and for all...

Post 833...Realize this miracle.. you will always get what you really want, provided they are with good intention and vision...

Realize this miracle..
you will always get what you really want,
provided they are with good intention and vision...

It might be just the law of attraction...
or the power of intention...
or if there is a will, there is a way...

Understand this...
Wish hard enough..
Be specific in what you really want...

Plant the law of patiecnce...
Plant the law of persistence...
Plant the law of LOVE...
this is the secret to success...