
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Post 888... Women are the makers of the home, the nation and the world.... They are the mothers who shape the generation to come...

Women are the makers of the home,
the nation and the world.
They are the mothers who
shape the generation to come.

So, they must enshrine in their hearts
the spiritual urge towards light and love,
wisdom and bliss.

The Feminine Principle
is the foundation on which a peaceful
and happy world is to be raised.

When women are true, brave, kind,
and compassionate, the world can
have an era of peace and joy.

When you get angry, you act as if you are possessed by an evil spirit... your face becomes uglly and frightful...

One need to realize this,
only by intense spiritual discipline,
that is not marred by anger, envy and greed...
the vices that sprout from the ego.

When you get angry,
you act as if you are
possessed by an evil spirit.
Your face becomes ugly and frightful.

Heed that signal,
and take yourself to a quiet spot.
Do not give free vent to wicked vocabulary.

Envy and greed also emanate
from the ego and have to be carefully
watched and controlled.

Like the tadpole's tail,
the ego will fall away
when one grows in wisdom.

Develop wisdom, discriminate
and know the ephemeral nature of all objective things.

Sacrifice, love, compassion and forbearance are the sterling human qualities that should be fostered, shedding jealousy, hatred, ego and anger ...

Some say knowledge is valuable,
but character is more valuable than knowledge.

One may be a learned scholar,
one may hold high positions of authority,
one may be very wealthy or be an eminent scientist
but if one has no character, all the other acquisitions are of no use at all.

Sacrifice, love, compassion and forbearance
are the sterling human qualities that should
be fostered, shedding jealousy, hatred, ego
and anger which are animal qualities.

Gifts of love...

Gifts of Love

Love is a gift from God to man.
Obedience is a gift from Master to man.
Surrender is a gift from man to Master.

One who loves desires the will of the Beloved.
One who obeys does the will of the Beloved.
One who surrenders knows nothing but the will of the Beloved.

Love seeks union with the Beloved.
Obedience seeks the pleasure of the Beloved.
Surrender seeks nothing.

One who loves is the lover of the Beloved.
One who obeys is the beloved of the Beloved.
One who surrenders has no existence other than the Beloved.

Greater than love is obedience.
Greater than obedience is surrender.
All three arise out of, and remain contained in,
the Ocean of divine Love.

Even a mountain of sin can be wiped out by winning the Grace of the Divine...

It may not be possible to escape the consequences of one's good and bad actions. But even a mountain of sin can be wiped out by winning the Grace of the Divine. Hence one should strive to earn the love of God, which is all-embracing and all-powerful.

Dedicate yourselves to the cultivation of good qualities and righteous action and develop that pure devotion which will redeem your life.

Post 880.. The fire of sorrow and joy burns when the fuel of impulses is fed into the furnace of the mind...

The fire of sorrow and joy burns when the fuel of impulses is fed into the furnace of the mind. Take away the fuel and the fire dries out. Take away the force of impulses, promptings and urges and you become your own master.

An attitude of generosity, of fortitude in the presence of sorrow and loss, a spirit of enthusiasm to do good, to be of service to the best of one's capacity - these build up the mind as well as the body. Practice the attitude of joy when others are joyful and of grief when others around you are grieved. Let your heart move in sympathy. But, the joy and grief have to be translated into service; they should not be mere emotions.

The end of wisdom is freedom... the end of culture is perfection... the end of knowledge is love...the end of education is character...

The end of wisdom is freedom.
The end of culture is perfection.
The end of knowledge is love.
The end of education is character.

There is a desire on the part
of all of us to acquire these four qualities,
namely wisdom, culture, education and reach their ends,
namely freedom, perfection, love and character.

But students should realize
that if these qualities are not properly utilized,
then they cannot call themselves students.

As students and future citizens of this
country, you have the responsibility of
shaping the future of this country.

Put your hearts in the right path by listening attentively
to the persons of eminence and experience.