
Sunday, June 17, 2012

True love is not fed with material riches to buy her heart..

If pampering your loved ones with richness...
with gold, jewels and diamonds..
with luxuries and good money..
can have her heart, this is never true love...

Someone else who can offer more
will then buy her heart and body..
So, to check out a person who truly love..
is the one who stands by you even if you  have nothing...

She will loves you even more if you have something..
And she will love you most if you have her everything...
Remember to look around.. seek true love..
Only then you can sleep sound and safe every night..

He who truly loves feels no pain, no suffering, no complains... but he who isn't real will lose directions of life, living in forever misunderstandings... that is real suffering and pure ignorance...

Many people wanted good relationship..
Many people waited for good relationship..
Many people wants love and to be in love..
Many people desire love to suit his own ways...

When he can't get what he didn't get..
When he can't achieve what he wanted to achieve..
He started blaming and accusing..
He will start to be aggressive and abusive..

This is never love..
This is not even categorized love..
This is not the real true love..
Not to say care or caring..

It can't stand the test of love...
When difficulties come, he will run away..
When difficulties come, he will be disappointed..
Because it is just a conditioned love...

Love is never expecting..
Love is never blaming..
Love is never accusing..
Love is never a bargain...

Love is never selfish..
Love is never complaining..
Love is forever patient..
Love is forever tolerant...

Happy is he who truly loves...
Peaceful is he who truly loves..
The first day till the last day..
Love will not fade its true colors..
because this love is true love...

We all experiences suffering... although not of equal portions..

Read this.....
In Jesus’ words we find another discovery.  God permits suffering so that his works may be made manifest in us.  How this mystery works in our lives is frequently beyond our grasp in the midst of suffering.  As someone observed humorously: “When you are up to your neck in alligators it is difficult to remember your job was to drain the swamp!”  The challenges of financial losses, feeling useless, or facing the prospect of death can be very painful.  

taken from
Jim Seghers 

We live, we die... we will live again.. forever.....

The ice...
The water....
The steam....
They are the same..
Just the form is not the same....

We can only live less than a century... but we die forever as a human....

Ever thought of this?
Given any serious thoughts of this?
All of us spent tremendous time, effort,
money and strength to live a good human life..

Have one ever spent the same time and effort..
Understanding and achieving spiritual health?

Spiritual health and wealth can be achieved..
when we fully understand the connection..
between body, mind, emotion and spirit..
they are all inter-related.. to achieve spiritual health and wealth...

We NEED TO make use of our mortal human body to achieve spiritual wealth... our soul lives forever.. ...

Our body... our human body is just TEMPORARY...
But then, our body is such of importance to all of us...
We need to make use of it to achieve spiritual wealth..
Attaining spiritual wealth is then PERMANENT, right?

We live not more than a century..
But we die forever.... I mean our human body...

The grain dies, but then it becomes a small plant, soon to produce wheat... the grain is the 'baby' growing up into a new plant...

John 12:24 - unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone and bears no fruit. Jesus is teaching that suffering and death are part of every human life, and it is only through suffering and death that we obtain the glory of resurrection.

Paul is the best example, explaining why there are thorns in our flesh....

Rom. 5:2-3 - Paul says that more than rejoicing in our hope, we rejoice in our sufferings which produces endurance, character and hope. Through faith, suffering brings about hope in God and, through endurance, salvation.