
What are the various kinds of potencies that have been attributed to God?

 Eight kinds of potencies have been attributed to God. He is the source of all sound, all motion, all light, all speech, all bliss, all excellence, all illusion and all prosperity.

from a divine source

How to cultivate sacred feelings that will instill faith in the inherent divinity, impart strength and foster truth, righteousness, justice and sacrifice?

 Shun bad company, seek good company, and perform righteous deeds day and night; discriminate between permanent and ephemeral.

from a divine source

Even though divinity resides in his heart, why does man consider himself weak

 Human being is the repository of divine energy. In spite of being endowed with all powers, man considers himself weak. This is the effect of his evil company. By associating himself with bad company, man is developing bad thoughts and bad feelings.

What is the relationship between man and God?

After attaining God, man gets total satisfaction, fulfillment, ecstasy and bliss.

What are the means of attaining awareness of this Divinity?

Man's vision, which is now turned outward towards the phenomenal universe, should be turned inwards towards the Indwelling Spirit. One should manifest the Divine consciousness inherent in him. He should submit himself to that Consciousness as a Spiritual discipline. This is called "Conscious Realization of the Inner Divine".

In what form is God present in the human body?

All that you see and enjoy in the material world, the life force in the world, have all been described by one comprehensive word (God installed in man) in the holy scripts. This word signifies the shining and self-effulgent self. This self-effulgent Him is present in the human body.

from a divine source

How best can one understand the limitless aspect of God?

If we want to understand this well, we must realize that religions are all different but all of them lead to the same goal. When salt is in the sea, it is not distinct from the sea. It is a part of the ocean. One drop of water is enough to tell us that the ocean water is salty. In the same manner, even if you experience a small part of the aspect of Him, which is in your heart, you can understand the entire divine aspect of God. There is only one God all over and He is not different in different persons.

from a divine source

Where does divinity exist in man?

The divinity, which fills the entire cosmos, exists in man as spiritual heart or (soul). God dwells in all beings.

from a divine source

One desires to merge in God and achieve liberation. How is one to realize such an important Divinity having so many potencies?

As God is formless, to become one with God, one has to become formless. What does this imply? It means that one has to get rid of the attachment to the body.

from a divine source