
One of the great delights of my work with is the transformation of the quality of our conversations. By that, I don't mean that we no longer get "triggered" by other people's thoughts and ideas; that's inevitable in a forum about the deepest issues in our lives...... Shaman tube

One of the great delights of my work with Shamantube is the transformation of the quality of our conversations. By that, I don't mean that we no longer get "triggered" by other people's thoughts and ideas; that's inevitable in a forum about the deepest issues in our lives.

Rather, I'm noticing an increasing curiosity about viewpoints that challenge our own. A willingness to engage from a place of compassion and love, even while we're in the throes of our own doubt and anger. And a sacred stance of trust - that the people we're dancing with are in our lives (and our faces, sometimes) at our own souls' bidding, that we may grow and heal.

Please know that I'm not standing in judgment here. I include myself among those who are discovering the holy difference between setting strong boundaries to protect myself and shutting down when my ideas don't "meet with your approval." For me, it's still hard to not "take things personally" (and I'm not talking about the trollish comments that get deleted and banned instantly) when I post something that speaks to my soul and generates negativity in the comment thread.

As we've formed and grown as a community, I've grown too. And I thank you all for your presence, and your sacred intentions, and your commitment to the healing of us all. 

I see many elderly people who are aged and suffering... and counting their days.. but then can we age gracefully.?. with faith and in connectivity with God... Appreciate and be grateful for all that happened and will happen.... this only choice.. surrender, total surrender to God....

Total surrender is the answer to every day's challenges...
It is not that we are not concerned or throwing away the matter..
It is the surrendering of oneself of fear and pride or ego..
Only then we can hear the Lord's voice and guidance...

We are not a man of today only, we have genetically inherited much, accumulated much, discovered much, read much, learnt much, experienced much, being taught much... to be the man of today. Least we forget, mind our words, our thoughts, our actions that they are moral-orientated, positive, kind and loving enough...

The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only partially understood. Historically, its location deep in the brain suggested to philosophers that it possessed particular importance. This combination led to its being regarded as a "mystery" gland with mysticalmetaphysical and occult theories surrounding its perceived functions.