
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The big mangoes...

One day, my student came to visit me... she was one of my favorite in class many many years ago..... she still looks so young. She has 2 kids. When we stand together, we look like sisters...

At my backyard, I have a mango tree. The fruits were plenty, so I took 3 mangoes and gave them to her. She was happy and said. "Wow, teacher, thank you......all your mangoes are so big!" Oh! yes! I replied... Then she went back.

My second daughter was watching me... She came to me and asked. "Why did you say like that? There are some small ones there...... Why didn't you give the small ones to her?"

I told her. If we have the heart to give, give the best! Of course, there are small mangoes! My daughter nodded in agreement.


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