
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Her abscesses were all gone!

I was going to deliver a speech. Nevertheless, she got the better of me. It was only another 10 minutes to go. She looks so young, but she wears long sleeves and long trousers. I asked her what was troubling her. "Please help me." I am too embarassed to face people.

Her mother quickly intervened. I have spent a lot of money on her. Look at her body... it is all covered with painful abscess. I checked her and told her what to do. I recommended her to use a special soap, 3 in 1 antibacterial soap. Applying on it for a few minutes before washing them.

While using this soap, no other soaps can be used together. Oops, I wonder what people will say when I recommend Amway products, but this is the truth. I am not trying to sell anything, but that was what I did.

I recommended her to go on a light diet, with low animal proteins and no fried foods. Keropok must be out. More vegetables and fruits. At the same time, I told her to take 3 tablets of Bio C. I also told her to take Nutrilite protein. I told her not to worry.... Lucy will solve your problem. She smiled and tried to believe me.

Well, it did work. Her body was not as itchy as before, and those abscesses started to dry. The first time she took Bio C, part of her body became red and swollen. She called me. I told her not to worry but to continue taking Bio C as prescribed.

A week later, she called to report to me that her problem now is down to only 10%. No more itchy nights though there were still some on her back. I told her to change her bedsheets and pillows and bolsters. Another week passed, she is now wearing short sleeves and a skirt.

well... I am happy for her...really..

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