
Friday, November 24, 2006

I need not be the best, but I must be my best!

Tell you something, I need not be the best, but I must be my best. The first part of the sentence invites challenges.... of which some aren't too friendly. But I must be my best means that I will try my best and living up to one's high expectations. From my years of experience in this field of curing and treatment, I have come across many responses and let me share with you some of them....

I agree that sick patients WANTED immediate relief from pains or sufferings. I agree that sick patients REQUIRED immediate attention! I know the impatience of waiting to be cured. I know the anxiousness to find the best cure.... and get the best doctor at hand! What have I to say? Since there have been many cases whereby many have seen their doctors but came to see me eventually to get a cure is indeed my headache! I never meant to over-take their roles or be so proud to say...ha...I am better than him! How these doctors hate me..... if they have known me.... but I can tell you this... a good doctor never compares or complain... Directly or indirectly, we should work as a team.

It is not who is better or who is not. It is the angle of how we see things, perhaps the patients requires mental or emotional comforts. More people are sick in their hearts and in their mind than sick physically! They need someone to understand and comfort them...all of us need that... Too many people in this world are left unloved, uncared for, unconcerned and deprived of true friendship. Too many people are 'yelling' to be loved and comforted. And where can they find them?

All of us have participated in one way or the other. All of us have tried our best.... I have cases whereby my patients were required to be operated immediately and just because of me, their operations were cancelled... maybe... in their hearts....they were wondering who this Lucy is... and felt a loss...when the moneys have grown wings and flown away! This is not the most important part of the story.

Too many a times, I have seen worried parents rushing from one clinic to another clinic in the hope to get an immediate or a miracle cure. Sometimes a disease worsen due to conflict of the medicines. Indecision... Lack of knowledge....These anxious parents need to be educated. Well... answer this question... how many days will a cut in our finger cure? 2 to 3 days? or immediately? Mother Nature.... will always win, Mother Nature will be the best logical reason. We shouldn't tear open the eggshells before a chicken is properly hatched! Or else the chicken will die.

At least we should trust our family doctors and listen to what he has to say. Most important of it to obey... Go to a renown doctor. I always believe in results. I always believe in the law of reasons and causes! It is because of 'this' that cause 'that!' It is because of 'that' that cause 'this!'....ha...quite confusing, right? but think twice.... you will understand... There is always a cause for something. Get to the root of it, find the 'why?' Get to the problem and be done with it!

Whom do we choose or how can we consider it safe? Should we obey and do exactly what the doctors say? This is open for discussion... Who is the best doctor? Again a sensitive question...

What should be done?

Listen to what I have to say...

First of all... the patients should see the doctor whom he or she confides most!
Secondly.... a good doctor should be able to find the cause of the illness.... treating it and preventing at the same time... [by educating]
Thirdly... using the safest way possible with the least harm to the patients
and most important of all.... do it with a loving, caring heart with a genuine purpose.... to lessen one's pain or cure it!

And never ever misuse the sacred morals of a doctor whom we always describe as the 'miracle' man! Much reputations have been wrecked due to carelessness and neglect, but I trust all can do better with encouragments and silent good wishes..... The less work the doctors have, the healthier the populace... and happiness will eventually be plenty, right?

What should the patients do?

Firstly, trust your doctors... be positive that you will win the race. This is the only race where all of us must be winners.
Secondly, be responsible for our own health. Acquire the knowledge as how to maintain and prevent. Don't destroy or hurt on purpose our God-given body.
Thirdly, believe that whatever the mind can believe and conceive, we can achieve!

The doctors...the patients... have to work hand in hand to produce best results...

This is a joke.. 'doctors sometimes are patients while patients are sometimes doctors... ' why? you know it.... but this joke is sometimes true!

So, recognize one's role in promoting and doing the best, not for our self but for all..

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