
Saturday, November 25, 2006

christians...why aren't u happy? read...and understand...

"Our father, who art in heaven, holy be thy name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us these days our daily bread, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sins against us. Lead us not into temptations, but deliver us from evil. Amen"

Most of us have been taught to memorize the above prayer, taught in all churches. Memorizing and repeating it once in a while.

Do we really realize what we are murmuring? Do we really understand what it means? Do we really follow what is being taught? are we? did we? let's look at this: thy will be done! How are we suppose to be happy when we keep on asking for things that we want???? Not His will be done????

Our God, our lord is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscience and He is the past, now and the future. Everything is His to command.... His kingdom... as we prayed so often. Won't He knows what we need and require? Do we need to keep on wanting this and that? well, you might say, ask and you will be given.... yes, He gives...but are you aware of what is best for you?

that is why most of us are not happy.... because we have many wants...many....countless....., worries....stress.... sickness... diseases... [a state of dis-ease] Let go, surrender to God... persist... be faithful! you will feel very much happier!

Can we use a human brain and understanding to understand God?

Hear this too..... when someone preaches.... brothers and sisters.... and we call God, our father in heaven...... do we mean what we pray?????

listen.... some of us have just finished praying and out come from our mouth.... 'I hate him... I will revenge....... and many more... " "Don't help him, He is an enemy.... He does not belongs to our church.... He..... he.....he...... the lists endless..............." discriminations......etc..etc...

if you were to call God our father, that means all of us are his sons and daughters...... no matter of relationship like parents or children or grandparents.... and should be in good terms with each other.......... can't one understand? what do you understand by brothers and sisters when we despise and hurt or harm each other? hypocrites...

Or even killing each other? Or cheating one another? Or throwing insults, name them.... I dunno.... and delight in doing evils, without morals.....and etc etc....

And this is mine....this is yours.... this is not my business.....mind your own business...I don't care... It's your fault not mine.... hatred, selfishness, ego, pride, cheating... I don't need your help! Get lost! ....

Once our attitude changes, everything will be different... how? try to imagine...these people are all your brothers and sisters...or your family members.... can you imagine the love that flows out instead of differences and prejudices? can you imagine that all of us belongs to a big big family? loving and caring for each other.....that is what God wants us to do....

well... I am sharing to those who prays hard the above think twice...and really understand what's being taught and preached.... no one is perfect, sure, no one is... to err is human, to forget is great, to forgive divine... forgive me...

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