
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Do you know how to breathe properly? 3 ways of breathing...

What a question? Who doesn't know how to breathe? Who are you to teach me how to breathe? You may be wondering and instantly ignoring me... But listen to what I have to say! It is of great importance to you. Try to give a few seconds to understand and digest this health fact.

If I were to tell you that most of you are not breathing correctly, will you listen? If I were to tell you that most of the breathing ailments can be gradually corrected, will you believe me? No, most of you wouldn't listen or believe me!

Even if you won't want to listen, a fact is a fact! Don't feel that this is just a joke! Or is it that I don't charge high and expensive fees for sharing this important health tips that seems of no or low value? Or is it that practising doctors felt that theirs should be right? Theirs should be right, or else their certificates would be flushed down the drain! Or is it that these facts are too easily available? The answer is no... in my opinion, good doctors don't complain nor compare! Our aims non other the same.... to provide effective and safe measures and cures.

There are 3 ways of breathing, try to recognize the way you are breathing....
[1] thoracic breathing
- it means very shallow breathing.......... the air is inhaled only to the thorax and then exhaled.. usually breathless and short of breathe. easily tired out, fatigue and lazy to do things... no energy and lack of the spark of life... asthma, breathing difficulty, sleepiness....

[2] lung breathing
- it means breathing normally... the air is inhaled into the lungs and then exhaled whereby there is exchange of gases.

[3] abdominal breathing
- it means deep breathing - the air is inhaled into the lungs and into the 'tang tien', the pool of air, an inch lower the navel.... and this is deep breathing [most singers who practised singing will learn to master the 'chi' from 'tang tien' to be able to sing well.

A lot of us are having problems on breathing. Let me ask you a question, air, water and food, which one is the most important? We can live for a few days without water or live for a month without food, but we cannot live without air even for a few minutes.

Since air is in abundance, most of us didn't give much thoughts to the air around us and always take for granted for what Mother Nature is giving us. Until when our country also experienced haze and smog a few years ago. Pollution of air due to haze was so serious that we could even smell the bitter taste of smoke. Flowers wilt, fruits don't grow well, some fragile plants just die off during serious haze. Only then one understands that the air we are breathing belongs to all of us. The quality of air became an alarming fear when haze appeared!

Air is the most important factor for any living things to survive. And our breathing mechanism or system is built to inhale clean air and exhale used air. Our breathing system will work for us the moment we were born. And the moment the last breathe leaves us, we will be stiff and cold the next moment. So, it is of great importance that we know how to breathe properly.

The best recommended way of breathing is the 3rd way of breathing when one breathe in deep and slow. Look at those infants, when they breathe in and out, their belly will rise and fall. Sad to say, some of us were so busy and excited in their works that they have forgotten to breathe properly. With poor breathing, our health will be directly influenced.

I do recommend one to start learning how to breathe. Lie down, get a book, put it over your stomach[navel area] and start breathing long and deep. I don't want you to do the muscles' trick, but breathing in deep and slow. Once you are doing it rightly, the book will also move up and down when you breathe in and out. Continue for at least half an hour. There is also a doctor in China who is now practising his 312 meridians for cure and preventive measures. The '1' refers to proper breathing, making it long and slow. The abdomen area will rise up and down as we inhale and exhale.

There are videos available for this special 312 meridians. Learn and master the art of proper breathing. This is one of the most valuable health requirement that will improve and maintain a person's general health.

Check this..... when we inhale, our abdomen should rise[due to the air inside], when we exhale, our abdomen should be flattened... this is proper.... there is this common mistake.. when girls or ladies inhale, their abdomen flattens, right? And worst of all, wearing tight belts to make our waist slimmer! Be aware that one shouldn't do that. That is the same as tightening our body with a rope and preventing proper blood circulation. Never wear purposely too tight clothings that will affect our blood circulation.

What is there to do with blood circulation? well... it is directly connected. The oxygenated blood means the blood cells carrying oxygen from inhaling is being sent by our heart and to be used up by our body. When blood circulation is poor, it means our body cells are deprived of oxygen.

Master the skill as to know how to breathe properly.... you will be happier and healthier then...

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