
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Face challenges with a smile!

what's the noise? the wheels.... must be something wrong, the lorry driver told his man. Let's have a look! Goodness me... the tyre.. I need help! Urgent help!

After coming back from Rome, we went to Bintulu and stayed for 3 nights. I brought all my kids, except the eldest whom I left behind to be with my in-laws. It was a vacation plus business trip. The trip to Bintulu took us 3 hours. On the way, we enhanced our relationship and chatted with each other and had a nice and joyous time together.

Halfway the journey, I saw a big lorry with full load of sawn timber stopped at the side of the road. We came close only to realize that the lorry had a punctured tyre. Goodness me! What a trouble they are in! It was just the driver and his helper. One can imagine the heavy load and the nightmare of changing the punctured tyre. What can be done? I know........ and all of us knew that the lorry driver would find ways to change the punctured tyre no matter how difficult it was. It was just expected of him, right?

sorry, I didn't manage to take a photo of it...should have done it!

Likewise in life, one's life is full of challenges and adversities. Where is there no rain in Malaysia? In times of difficulties and mistakes, what should we do? Think of the lorry driver with its punctured tyre. If our road of life is without bends and crooks, then our cars need no brakes nor speed. Life is no bed of roses nor milk and honey only. The adversities are the load and burden that we shoulder, that we carry. We so much prefer to leave it behind or just throw it away, but can we? We are halfway in our life's journey. We faces difficulties, we have to survive the test. To pass the adversity test! No matter how difficult it might seems it is.... As the case of the lorry in distress, it was just expected of life, right?

Never fear difficulties. Be brave to face them. We learn more from these wake-up calls and challenges. There is no free meals, no free tickets for things that we never do. Life is all about what we have done and saved. Like in our pc, what we have keyed and installed and saved inside it. This is expected of all of us. Many have forgotten that we are sharing the same air, the same soil and belongs to the same creed. We belongs to the biological term called homo sapiens, not monkeys. We are humans, not animals, not insects! Why should we attack and hurt each other? Or do you come from Mars or Jupiter? That is a different thing.

I talked to a new friend a few days ago. He is a nice man and he holds a good and high position. I know he is a very capable man and we chatted freely. He emphasized that if one doesn't hurt others, it is good enough. Yes, I agreed with him 100%, but I added something.... One is good enough as to know as not to hurt others, but it is even better that we also don't hurt ourselves! What will that mean? It means that mentally or emotionally, one should stay stable and not negative. In another words, one should stay happy and positive. There are certain things that will also be the result of what and how we think!

I will be again sharing with all of you about mental and emotional health very soon. Look forward to know how to be positively sound and HAPPY!

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