
Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hotel Marriot - a very big and nice and relaxing hotel

The swimming pool yet to be completed..
The balcony full of chairs for the guests to relax outside the rooms...

The lobby..
Hotel Marriot is a big hotel with spacious compounds and big balcony where the guests can sit and relax at the same time enjoying Rome's romantic air......It is situated at the outskirt of Rome. This is the back view of Hotel Marriot.

In the lobby of Hotel Marriot, there is this floor built in glass which showed an ancient route when the Roman's chariots and soldiers used during their time, 2500 years ago...

This is the front view of Hotel Marriot and also overlooking a great space where coaches and cars await their guests.
Parked in front are luxurious, comfortable cars like mercedes..BMWs.............

Here is a black sleek handsome car...
I love this big spacious balcony where one can relax facing nature at its proximity...
To relax proper is to be energetic to go the extra miles in the next day's journey....


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