
Wednesday, January 3, 2007

continued... part 4

The emotion

We are how we feel!

The root of emotional sickness is lack of concern and love.... Too many people now are love-starved. Too many people are too busy with themselves that they themselves are strangers to themselves. Weird? funny? no, some are so busy that they have forgotten their own existence.

Their health, physically lacking of exercises, mentally lacking of right concepts...., emotionally lacking of concern and love and straying further and further away from spiritual health too. These people have forgotten as to how to take care of themselves, how do you expect them to take care of you? Where is concern and love? To be expecting others to do so is a task, it is better we, ourselves to take up the first step, learn to care and be concerned of oneself before we can share with others.

I am repeating this phrase written by Anthony Robbin: "People don't have limited resources, they have limited states. Emotions or our state we are in determines our perception of reality and thus our decisions and behaviors. If we are fearful, shy, bored, depressed or stressed on a consistent basis, we will not be able to access the resources to succeed." It means that if we cannot master our emotions and that if these emotions were to interfere with our work and jobs, we will not be able to achieve what we want to achieve, that is success!

Most of us are emotional beings easily affected by our emotional states, especially anger, hate, love, fear and hurt. To not to provoke and to positively response to being provoked is a skill by itself. Let's try to learn to be emotionally stable, though not easy but not impossible.

What is the use of this 'something' if you don't actually have 'anything'? Penny wise, pound foolish. Spare or allocate some time out to show concern and love to just anyone... oops,..... I am not telling you to simply love every body's body.

I am telling you to be a lovable person and a person with morals and discipline. All of us will be drawn towards people with high personalities, these people demands our respect by what they do and say. Respect is earned, never forced or bought. Trust is earned too. Plant grapes, bear grapes of virtues, the bigger the bunch is, the more virtues one can accumulate. and the more loving he or she is. Be emotionally stable, heed not those feelings of uncertainty or lack of faith or confidence.

to be continued..

[part 4]

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