
Thursday, January 4, 2007


I got this message from a friend, it is a very meaningful message and I like it very much... happiness is in the sharing.... Some have just celebrated the new year, but the Chinese New Year is also round the corner. This is also one of the best recipe to gain spiritual wealth and health too...

Take twelve whole months.

Clean them thoroughly of all

bitterness, hate, and jealousy.

Make them as clean as possible.

Now cut each month into twenty-eight,

thirty or thirty-one different parts,

but do not make the whole batch at once.

Prepare it one day at a time.

Into each day, mix well

1 part of faith,

1 part of patience,

1 part of courage,

and 1 part of work.

Add to each day

1 part each of hope, faith,

compassion, contemplation,

and at least 1 good deed.

Season the whole mixture with

a dash of good spirits,

a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play,

and a cupful of good humour.

Pour all of this into a vessel of love.

Cook thoroughly over radiant joy,

garnish with a big smile,

and serve with humility, gratitude

and a cheerful.......HELLO!

Remain Blessed!

Duty is God, Work is Worship

The teacher might looks hideous, ugly, old, bent or crude, but what matters most is what is in his mind and his heart. We are attracted by his teachings, not his appearance. It is his personalities and characters as a teacher which will earn our respect and trust. Don't be deceived by its looks, it is the inner beauty that counts....

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