
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Positiveness will give birth to more positiveness...

Positiveness gives birth to more positiveness

Happiness gives birth to more happiness

That is our Team 101, T.E.A.M to mean..

Together everybody achieve millionaires!

101 means unlimited, expansion into more and more....

Remembered my speech last night? Well, it was something on positive thinking and all of us were overjoyed to participate in positive talking, and evoked such an overwhelming response last night. All of us were thrilled to experience this wonderful, positive force of connectedness when our goals were all focused with the same intensity and on the same direction.

Realising the importance of applying positiveness in a team, I called all of them up to give a few words on positive saying. All of us were thrilled and excited. All of them were just given 5 minutes and they were ready to go on stage to present their positive talk.

Why did I invite all of them up on stage? Why did I emphasize on each of us to talk, or give a few words on positiveness? Why did I want all of them to participate? Why the crowd?

The answer is that when there is a connectedness or a focus on positiveness, all wishes and dreams can come true and be achieved. An unseen force of purposefulness will drive a person to his heights. We were altogether focusing on how to become a more useful and better person and to apply positive living.

One should never underestimate our potentials, our brains and our abilities or capabilities. Yes, not to underestimate! With appropriate encouragements, with appropriate guidance, everybody is a genius of his own. It is positiveness in the making. When all my distributors went on stage, all of them can stress on positive attitude is such a convincing way that I was glad that I called all of them up.

Happiness is in the sharing. I wish I can write all those touching positive ideas that all of them shared. You can imagine the confidence, the abundance, the joy, the thrills of being in positiveness we shared last night.

What skill is more urgent or important than to possess a skill of positive outlook towards every day routine? What skill can be more meaningful than to apply positive doing in our daily talk? In our every sentences and words? What skill is more productive than to be involved in making things happen in a positive way?

I talked on how love can create, and how hate will destroy. I touched on the positive sides of our mind and briefly explaining how negativeness will affect our life too. It is a choice and our mind is so powerful that it is explained as a double-edged sword. Positiveness was explained clearly, emphasizing on creation instead of destruction.

I explained the diagram well, although I have some difficulty to express myself sometimes in Mandarin. But I told them that something is better than nothing. I spiced my Mandarin with some English expression, but all of them were willing to help positively explain my English terminologies. Applauding and laughing and experiencing a teamly mood. We experience joy in positive sharing.

What is more important is that all of us understand and got my messages clear and loud, positively hearing and receiving....

Life is precious, treasure them, live out the positive you, Live out the positive you to bring more positive others. Touch on as many people as one can, encourage, guide, care, share, give, propose, convince, influence as many people as possible with positive tips, positive deeds, positive language, just any positiveness in any forms or codes. So that the human populace will all benefit from being positive, the prime attribute towards a more meaningful living, towards hope, towards achieving a healthier and happier winner.

Our aim and determination set to achieve a Win/Win situation where in this business, all of us have the share to be who one wants to be, to achieve what one wants to achieve and to be true to one's dreams and achieving them in no time.

I cared enough to share with not only my people, as it is now that I am also sacrificing my precious time to blog so as to share with the world. I need to give up many of my recreations and preferences, my mission and vision to see the world full of smiles and living in abundance.

Your mind, your thinking, your attitude should all start with purposeful positive I blogged yesterday, positiveness should be alive in '5 correct', correct thinking, correct saying, correct doing, correct atmosphere and with the correct people.

Yes, be geared to face all adversities, all challenges, all tasks with a positive attitude, and at the same time, master the skill as to how to deal with negatives. They are actually stepping stones towards human's metamorphosis, from a weakling to a strong and brave person, in thoughts, in words, in deeds....

Guess I will be again writing an article on how to master the skill to deal with negatives. Look out for my next few blog. Forgive me for making my blog looks bluish. Not all the time, but just this one time...... to emphasize the importance of positiveness...

Be aware that our world is such a wonderful place, such a happy place, such a perfect place if we all look at it positively. Count our blessings of which we have plenty. Smile and add to the magic of what smiles can do....Imagine that we are Tinkle Bell with her magic wand...sprinkling the magic powder of positiveness.......and the whole world awakening in every can come true, if all of us wish hard enough...believe me..

Some photos to come....soon

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