
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Story 5... the little rabbit..

This is a story shared by my student who was also in my training class. As a trainer, one should confide in them and encourage them to go on stage to express oneself. They are in the learning stage. One should be able to recognize the different stages they are in and be observant to their needs and improvements.

It is also an animal story. Now, we have a rabbit. Here is the story....

One day, a white rabbit was wandering collecting its food. It has to be very alert while looking for food because the rabbit can be food for bigger animals too. The fittest only will survive in this animal kingdom.

Then it saw an eagle. yes, an eagle again, it saw that it can fly high and looked so strong. He wished that he could fly. He wished hard that he had wings that can fly easily and keep himself away from its enemies. He was so engrossed in his day dreaming that a nearby wolf pounced on him and was soon delicious supper for the wolf and his family.

It was just a simple story, but I acknowledged it to be a proof that he understood what I taught. It might be not the best story, but I know that he was contributing his best. It wasn't a surprise then. He explained that if one wants to go an extra mile[breakthrough], one should not dwell on day dreaming only.

One should plan his work and work his plans. Day dreaming will be a setback to those who are moving to get dreams realized. So, cheers to this student, we applauded loud for his courage to go on stage and was able to tell us this meaningful story although he is still so new in this business.

And we continued our training...

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