
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wrong foods and drinks when consumed in excess....are fatal...

is a true story of a young man who ate and drank too much of unhealthy foods and it...

Here is a true story about a young man who fell prey to ignorance about soft drinks and overloading with good foods. It is a sad story and I am sharing it to all the people in this world in memory of him, conveying his last messages.

His name was Cha Ngon. He was born into a not well-to-do family. He was forced to seek his living in the town as a porter, as a newspaper seller and will do most jobs for a few dollars. He used to hang around the wharf and restaurants where banquets were held. There were plentiful of food due to the Chinese Wedding Celebrations that took place almost every day or week. Almost everyone of us knew him because he was a little 'distinguished' in his look together with his ignorant expression.

He looked harmless, over weighted, clumsy but extremely 'sweet' with his greetings. He was naive and felt that he was a friend to all. Any parties or weddings or banquets where there was food, he would visit and had his full without even anyone inviting him. Since most occasions were auspicious, the hosts didn't bother to chase him out. As one know, all those wedding parties were provided with at least 10 dishes of rich, good food and coke served unlimited.

He was poor, that was why he tried to cut down his expenses on food and felt so lucky that he could eat all the good food for free in all those big or small restaurants. Since it was his style, he was no longer a stranger or something people would bother. After all, it was just a seat given to a 'simpleton' and food plenty. He ate and stuffed as much as he could, nearly and clearly cleaning the dishes leaving not even a morsel left. But sometimes starving himself.

He was reputed to be able to eat 2 to 3 man's share. It continued for years, his stomach bloated and round. He had tasted almost all delicacies and good food and drank soft drinks all the while. After some time, he was feeling unusually tired and pale. His urine was attracting too many ants and he was a little worried. There wasn't any pain anywhere, but he was not feeling too well.

Some friends told him to have a medical check up. He did and the doctor told him that his urine contained sugar. He was ignorant about health and ignored the doctor's advice thinking that it was just small matter. He continued his routine jobs and still ate in those restaurants. Until one day, he fainted. He was immediately sent to the hospital. Only then he knew that something was seriously wrong with him.

By then the doctor diagnosed his situation as in a critical stage of diabetes, high Blood pressure, high cholesterol and uric acids and stomach disorder. He started to lose weight dramatically. From a person with more than a hundred kg to a someone with just 60 kg. He was hospitalized for a wound that kept on deteriorating. He was also a someone who never bother about personal hygiene, so his wound became worst.

He couldn't work, he survived on public donation. His family was too poor to afford better medication and cure. He was left to face his own destiny! A destiny that caused his premature death. He was not spared of amputation. His left leg was amputated several times, each time, part of his leg was sewn off a little bit more. He was a little insane due to the poisoning of toxins and couldn't think straight.

I last saw him when he was seated at the entrance of the door of his wooden house. He was left with only one leg, the other nearly completely amputated. It was such a pitiful sight, a simpleton he might be, but he regretted so much for what he did. When the doctor told him the reasons why he was so seriously affected, he broke down and cried loudly. I could still remember what he said. Nearly everyone knew this.

He said; "Why didn't anyone tell me that one cannot drink coke and eat red meats everyday?" It was a plead, a complain, a regret from a lost soul, from a loser and nearly broke my heart.

I can still experience the tightening of my chest and a chill that ran through my spine to recall that phrase. Whose fault was that? Whose fault? He learnt a terrible lesson, a lesson of no return. He was pronounced dead after a few years later. He was then into his thirties. I was still in my early twenties then. By now, most people have long forgotten about him. Forgotten about his perils and sufferings as a long-term suffering diabetic patient.

Instead of rich food and coke, he swallowed handfuls of pills everyday, his meals made up different colored medicines of all shapes. He survived on coarse rice and few shreds of vegetables. Sometimes conscious and sometimes unconscious, eventually not even recognizing any of his old friends. It was a testimony never recorded, never retold nor rewritten. It was a story whom no one wanted to hear or know.

But it was clearly a solemn case of ignorance, lacking of proper health knowledge and care that lead to such a misfortune or to such a tragedy. It is a life lost, not an animal. We who have brains and health knowledge should be aware of the law of harvest. We should be aware that 'we are what we eat!' We should be aware that our health is directly proportional to what we feed our body. Just knowing is not enough, practising good health habits should be more relevant!

Don't procrastinate and comfort yourself that you will start to cut down those rich foods and soft drinks only when one reach into the forties..... Start today, start by refraining to eat too much, drink too much. Try to understand that too much is never too good. Heed those advices of the doctors of the future. The doctors of the future will not give any medicines, instead they are geared towards in the sharing or educating people on achieving total awareness of what is holistic health and happiness. and to understand one's body system, its diets and needs, moving towards prevention which is so much better than cure.

If you happen to meet such doctors of the future, try to approach them to know more about preventive measures. Whatsoever is the father of diseases, an ill diet is the mother.

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