
Saturday, January 27, 2007

You may not know that the food is stale, but one bite....

yummy...yummy...foods for our inner Self..

The flavor of stale food is recognized upon the first bite,
and know that no one can persuade
another to ingest the remaining of the infested food.
The eyes can be appeased by its flavorful appearance
but the tongue cannot be fooled
by mere appearance
for it determines the quality upon its taste.

Similarly, My dears,
the one that remains hollow within
can attract another initially by his superficial charm,
but know, My dears, that the fakeness will bare itself and will,
one day, reveal its demonic side.

The dirt found in one's house cannot be hidden
by huddling it in a corner
or the papers in an office
and cannot be stacked simply in a drawer,
without any organization or assortment.

Know, My child,
that the dirt that hides in the corners,
today, will be blown by the mighty wind,
exposing the truth and the unclean nature of the home.
The voice of one's true character can never be strangled -
it can be hushed, temporarily,
but once it catches the mind off its guard,
it unexpectantly pops up to portray one's true picture

from a divine source

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