
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

10 major tips to put cancer at bay..

I have lived with cancer patients, have seen and understood their ailing conditions, felt the pain, the fear, the stress, the hopeless feelings and realized how much it affected their loved ones.

I have surveyed a location where there were 10 homes at a small corner of my stay where 10 families resided. From my survey, I came to know that there were 8 cases of cancer, ranging from 2 leukemia, breast cancer, 2 uterus cancer, bone cancer and colon cancer. Out of the 8 cancer cases, left only 2 who are still living until now. The rest of them didn't survive the clutch of death, most of them suffering and dying a miserable death.

From my years of experiences in holistic approaches in preventive cures, I hereby would like to share some tips about cancer-prevention. Cancer can be defeated. Here are 10 tips on how to prevent it.

[1] Consume more beans, it prevent cells mutation

[2] Consume a variety of natural foods that contains high antioxidants.

[3] Eat 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruits per day. Best taken raw which is rich in life-enhancing enzymes. Make sure that they are from organic sources.

[4] Be conscious of our weight, don't over eat or stuff oneself, most cancer cases comes from overeating wrong foods and drinks.

[5] Exercising moderately, go for stretching and proper breathing and make sure that our body cells are well irrigated with oxygen.

[6] Don't eat burnt foods or stale fats. Fats easily go bad and are unstable and contains carcinogens when overheated or disturbed. [Beware of groundnuts, rich in fats but when those fats have distorted or gone stale, will taste weird, don't eat]

[7] Eat meats or fish sparingly [too acidic in nature]

[8] Refrain from too much alcohol drinks, refrain from smoking [don't purposely poison our body]

[9] Don't eat canned, processed, preserved foods that are high in carcinogens or preservatives, artificial flavourings and colorings

[10] Possess a positive attitude, understand about hope, love and the power of self-affirmation of good health

Prevention is so much better than cure. Spend our money wisely. Humans actually don't fall sick easily. Humans are extremely tough and strong when taken well cared of. Be grateful that our hearts, our lungs, our kidneys and livers have been working for us the many years until now.

Of course, be thankful that our earth is richly endowed with plentiful of vegetables, fruits and herbs that can prevent cancer at the first place.

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