
Sunday, February 4, 2007

Happy Valentine Day? oh, yes...soon... Hold me tight....dedicated to all those in love...

Happy are those in love..
Happy are those to love..
Happy are those loving..

Pleasing to the eyes of the beloved..
Pleasing to hear just our beloved voice...
Pleasing to just hold you tight..

Not today only, not tomorrow only..
Not just for all the morrows...
Not just for a moment, for all moments...
Love is only for you...only for you..
Be my love, my love...
Be my darling, yes...forever be my darling..

Let the songs of love be sang..
Let the songs of music be played...
Let the songs of life be created...

Yes, my dearest....
Yes, my darling...
Yes, oh yes! my beloved....

Holding you tight in my embrace...
Holding you close, never to let you go..
Holding you dear, never to let you go...

Let me forget all worries, all tasks..
Let me forget all hard days and nights..
and drowning myself in your sweetness...
My love and to be loved..
what have you prepared for your that special one on valentine day?

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