
Thursday, February 1, 2007



Lemon is a citrus fruit that can be grown almost everywhere. It is still lemon though the shape might differ. Some are round, some oval and some quite big of size. Of course it is not as big as grapefruit. It is sour in taste, extremely sour, but when lemon juice enters our stomach, it is not 'sour' anymore. Mother Nature loves us so much that it is an easily available cheap fruit that all of us can get just anywhere. And that this fruit can 'neutralize' our access acidity in our body; at the same time carrying out its detoxifying job in our body.

Next time, when one sees lemon, reach out to take one to make some juice, or buy those lemons and bring them home. Place them in front of your table and remember to do something with that wonderful fruit. Lemons can be great ornamental fruits that brings color into our home, our house that should look healthy. And I love the distinctive, pungent smell of its skin....Oh, I love it so much....the smell, it so much refreshes us too..

For me, I will always have some stock of lemon in my fridge or on my table. There are actually so many things one can do with lemons. Believe me... for drinks, for our skin, for coughs, for cooking and for washing., fantastic 'oil cutter'. Don't throw away the rinds after squeezing the juice, just keep it for the day's dish cleaning or for your hands too!

I could still remember while I was in Rome that we saw lots of lemons on our breakfast table. Shapely golden yellow lemons! I love them. I couldn't refrain myself taking a few in my hands. Just then, my double diamond friend, Stephen saw it and commended... "That should be a valuable fruit that Lucy is holding." I nodded and said, "of course, this is one of the best fruit!" We were laughing because I was mentioning that for all those who enjoy eating, lemon is a must in our diet.

Fresh lemon is the only food in the world that is anionic, which means it carries a negative molecular charge. This does not apply to other citrus fruits such as lime or grapefruit, only to fresh lemon, the juice of which must be consumed freshly extracted in order to retain its detoxifying anionic properties.

The negative charge combined with its strong alkalizing effects makes fresh lemon juice one of the most powerful detoxifying supplements of all, and it may be used to assist any type of detox programme. It should always be taken on an empty stomach, mixed into a glass of pure water, without the addition of any sweeteners.

Fresh lemon juice assists the production of bile in the liver and without adequate bile production. It is impossible to properly digest food and assimilate nutrients without the help of our bile.

From my own experience, for those who have high cholesterol's and uric acids, one can lemon juice on empty stomach for a month. One must stop after a month. Too much of the good thing is also not good. The results fantastic! We can either blend the whole lemon or just extracting the juice to drink, but without sugar please...may add honey.

What else can we do to lemons? There are many.... it is just that my advise is 'DON'T FORGET LEMONS!"..when going shopping, you might be buying apples, oranges, pears and other fruits, just don't forget to buy some lemons!

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