
Monday, February 26, 2007

Man has forgotten that there is God within..

True spirituality lies in
destroying one's bestial nature
and rising to the level of the divine.
But instead of ascending to divinity,
man is degenerating to animal nature.

He has forgotten the principles of spirituality.
He celebrates festivals by merely partaking
of sweets and wastes his time in pomposity.
One should ponder over the inner significance
of each festival and celebrate it in a meaningful manner.

Man should have total faith
that he is not just a human being
but there is God within.
Only then will the animal nature in him be subdued.

As man has forgotten his true nature,
he has become bestial.
You may belong to any country,
religion, race, caste or gender,
but you should firmly hold on to humanness.

from a divine source...

bestial means beastly, marked by brutality or depravity, lacking in intelligence or reason
pomposity means the quality of being pompous, self-importance
partaking means receive a share of, joining
gender means male or female

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