
Sunday, February 4, 2007

My child... once you understand your True will be a healthier and happier person..

Spiritual health is also important....

Once you have called upon the self - it will emanate from within it's biggest gifts of peace and joy, giving one stability and security in the biggest of sorrows. Peace is the weight, My child, that will balance both happiness and sorrow in one pain - reacting with indifference to both and desiring none.

Man, in his ignorance, forgets that all through this journey to reach God - God is at all times, with him, in him and around him. The man that makes the vacation his home, will pay dearly for his stay, and in his ignorance of self inflicted suffering of worries, will lose the privilege of residing in his permanent home.

Any other, will serve you only temporarily, as long as you will handsomely reward him with some kind of payment - the mother, on the other hand, will serve you with no motive, other than her selfless love for you.

Every enticing diversion must be resisted by the enforcement of one's self discipline - for the one that turns away from God's path, will return, one day, only after he has been robbed of all inner strengths. The tears of hopelessness and desperation will, once again, awaken within him the love for God that will bring him back to the same point on the path on which he had left. With so many breaks in your journey, how can you, My child, even remember the purpose of this walk?

Keep the rest stops to a minimum, and know, O child, that the one that stops you in this pilgrimage, is not the true love. The one that fills you with the guilt for loving God is, himself, guilty of the sin of being possessive. The one that grabs your time away from God, is none other than another mask of Mother delusion.

It is hard to admit to yourselves that the one you believed to be the giver of love was nothing but the taker and possessor of your internal peace. Leave behind all those who use emotion as their weapon to bind you. Do not be entangled in the webs they weave - leave them in God's care and continue your walk of prayer, alone, leaving behind the mind that worries.

from a divine source

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