
Sunday, February 25, 2007

What are the things that we should do when a family member is found to have cancer?

What are the things that we should do when a family member of us is found to have cancer?

First of all and most important of us is to...
[1] Show her/him your love and concern

Gather your strength and faith and to stand by her no matter what happens. Tell her, and emphasize that we all love her and care for her. Standing by her means that we are not leaving her alone to fight cancer. Let's do it together. Her tears are our tears, her sorrow our sorrow too. Let her know and confide in us. If you really care for her, spend more time with her. Just make sure that you are there when she needs us. Be determined!

[2] Be positive. Look at the bright side of life!

Why? this is the AQ that I always share with my friends.. Pass the test, yes, past the test! Fear not! Adversity Quotient is a skill that we all have to master. Face all challenges brave and strong. Rid of unwanted FEAR! Be confident that all will be fine and well. Most patients are killed by 'fear', not the real illness. Give relevant encouragements. Know that cancer is not incurable! There are also so many people out there who survived cancer! Show her confidence! Don't be distressed yourself. Stress kills too.

[3] Pray for forgiveness together.

Miracles do happen if one pray hard enough. Have 100% faith and believe in your faith. Everything happen, happens for the good. Let God be our guide, our strength. Set a timetable for constant purposeful prayers with her/him. Recite our Lord's prayer and understand the meanings. 'Our father in heaven, holy be thy name...... Your will be done, on earth as in heaven..'
From here, we must acknowledge that God is our father... our father! Our father will know what is best for us, leave everything to HIM, His will be done, not ours! Can you really believe that 100%?

[4] Stop poisoning the body. Review your food, a change is needed immediately

Stop eating those food that one have been consuming all those while that might caused cancer, so it is advisable to change immediately. Since there are certain foods that cause cancer, there are also foods that can cure and prevent cancer. Wake up! There are plentiful of foods and herbs that one can eat to put cancer at bay.

Since air, water and food is directly affecting our immune system, it is of great importance that we review the quality of air, water and food that we take. Start from drinking clean water and food.

[5] Learn more about cancer

At the same time, spare some time to really understand what cancer is. Look for appropriate knowledge, proven and relevant knowledge on preventive cures and treatments. Read to understand why people get cancer and how to prevent them. It might happen to just anybody!

The above 5 ways should be considered. But sometimes I do find difficulties like wanting to help yet not able to help. Not many people will believe natural cures and prevention. Cancer is a taboo not easily explained. And it pained me to see people suffering. So what can I do?

Never mind, just to share with all of you, my friends on how I will treat my own family member if there is one... My dear friends, you can just read and refer to it... "Starve the cancer cells, boost the immune system!'

[6] I will immediately revise a new food timetable for the patient. I won't allow any animal protein foods. I will draft a 100% vegetarian diet, with 60% raw vegetables and fruits to be taken 3 to 5 times a day.

[7] I will blend a 8V to be taken twice a day. 8V is a combination of some natural green herbs, vegetables and some fruits to be taken immediately after blending. [types of herbs used depend on the type of cancer]

[8] I will give higher dose of anti-oxidants A,C, E and especially Bio C and high quality plant protein to boost his/her immune system, and let him/her to drink more clean water.

[9] I will grow sprouts from different types of beans. I will let the patient take it twice or thrice a day and best taken when raw. Sprouts are miracle foods, superior foods too in boosting our immune system.

[10] I will also work out a breathing exercise with him/her and emphasize on self-affirming of speedy recovery. I will make sure that I will nurse him/her back to proper health personally.

Most likely I would also like to spend with her/his recovery period away from city life, away from the crowd, but near or in the embrace of nature at its best, where one can hear birds singing, dragonflies and butterflies flying, clear ripple of waterfalls, and breathe in cool, fresh air and be at ease with Mother Nature....

Prevention is much better than cure, believe me. I have written and posted the article on how to keep cancer at bay, read to understand. Cancer can be prevented!

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