
Thursday, March 8, 2007

36 traits of a successful leader....

36 traits of a leader

[1] an enthusiastic fast learner
He is keen to learn more of the appropriate knowledge acquired of him

[2] a keen reader
A leader must be a keen reader, but a keen reader might not be a leader.

[3] is self-motivated
To be self-motivated is a great asset. He who is self-motivated moves faster

[4] is initiative
A leader needs not to be told when to start, he knows when

[5] grows on the job
A leader puts in great effort into his job, thus moving up the ladder of success is his trait

[6] has visions and missions
A great leader is equipped with visions and missions, thus spurred to move on to succeed

[7] is goal-orientated
He who is without a goal is like a fly without a head. The world will make way to those who are determined to achieve his goals

[8] is an optimist
An optimist is a someone who looks at things positively and great in attracting success.

[9] master of details
A master of details is also someone who is great in troubleshooting. He will see to the small
needs of his people thus will be very much welcomed

[10] is fun and jovial to be with
Sprinkling fun and jokes into our routine work will light up just any situation

[11] fair and just
It is not easy to be fair and just, but being a leader he must be fair and just to be a man of authority

[12] has unwavering courage
He must have unwavering courage in doing things, he will strive to move on

[13] has sound judgement
A good and sound judgement is needed for a leader, he cannot afford to make silly mistakes

[14] are good managers of time and money
All leaders must be good managers of time and money. He must be wise as to put first things first. He must know the importance of being a MASTER of time and money, not the other way round

[15] are productive
He is effective and productive in his work, thus gaining respect and earning good reputation

[16] are persistent and consistent
Persistency and consistency is his trait of success

[17] always a winner
Winning is not a 'sometime thing' but is an 'always' thing for great leaders

[18] a man of promise, integrity, a man of his words
He who is a leader is a man of his words thus gaining his people's trust, respect and honor

[19] self-disciplined/well mannered
A great leader is well loved and liked by his people because of his great personality

[20] diligent in achieving his goals of life
He is diligent in moving up the ladders of success. He won't spend unnecessary time on unnecessary things.

[21] knows the fatal-ness of procrastination
Procrastination is fatal for all leaders. No leaders can procrastinate since it will only serve to slow down his momentum towards success in all ways.

[22] are great organizers, planners
All leaders are great planners. They plan their work and work their plans

[23] a leader leads by examples
A good leader does not just command, he leads by involving himself too, he shows the way, he goes the way and leads the way too.

[24] works independently
A good leader knows how to work independently but understands the importance of inter-dependence among his people

[25] goes the extra mile, he is proactive
Yes, a leader always will be willing to go the extra mile. He will be willing to do common things that others are not willing to do

[26] has a good command of authority, he is influential
He affects people, he has influence over people too. What he says will always ring a bell in another mind.

[27] is a person of wide interests and knowledge
He is a person of wide interests and knowledge too. He must be wise in words, speech and is knowledgeable in most ways, thus accumulated valuable experiences to lead his people or group

[28] possess good EQ
He also need to possess good EQ, a requisite to maintain good public relationship among working partners, his organisation and his people

[29] possess good TQ
He understands the power of teamwork. I can + You can = We can, thus maximizing the power of leveraging

[30] possess good AQ
He is strong and unwavering when coming to face all challenges and difficulties. He is always an expert in dealing with negatives. He will explain, not complain. He will guide , not blame. He will pass all adversity test and be steadfast for all to see. A great leader smiles at adversity and learn fast

[31] possess good IQ
A leader must have high IQ. Appropriate knowledge shows confidence and will attract quality people. Intelligence attracts intelligence.

[32] possess good MQ
A leader must have good MQ. A leader must do the right things and do things right. He will live to stay and survive well as a leader.

[33] possess good DQ
Development quotient is a must too. To stay stagnant is losing out, to improve should be the momentum. This is a 21st century world, we shouldn't be just existing, we should be improving!

[34] possess good CQ
Creativity quotient will make our world a more beautiful place to live in. Originality is the word. A man of high CQ is an interesting person. He has personal touch.

[35] possess good HQ
We don't see any weak leaders around us, do we? A healthy leader only can lead us. He should be healthy in all 4 levels of health, body, mind, emotion and spirit!

[36] possess good SQ
Success Quotient is a skill that cannot be left out. All leaders are successful in their own ways. Success includes all the above traits, leaving out nothing, perhaps more....

Having all the above 36 traits for a 21st century leader is no secret at all.... We can strive to be BETTER, right?

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