
Thursday, March 1, 2007

7 Bold Reasons why Men shouldn't Cheat their Wives

"What is the next step that a man can do if his wife cannot satisfy his sexual needs?" asked by A. I am concerned by this question and now writing on behalf of this friend. Before making any decision as to take the next step, hope that this friend can read through what I have to say.....

My motive is to share on valuable tips on how to maintain a healthier and happier marriage.

[1] Mind our MQ

What is this? It is Moral Quotient. All of us have to be aware of the importance of MQ in the family. MQ is a skill to do things correct and right. MQ is a skill that all of us should possess. I always sum up this quotient as how one should do things right and proper. 'Do not do to others that you don't like others to do unto you" It is a saying of a wise sage, Confucius..

Understand the verse, read the verse, memorize the verse. If one doesn't allow his spouse, the wife to cheat on him, he should also not cheat at the first place. Will you be hurt if your wife cheated you too when you are at home while she went travelling?

[2] Not fair to loved ones

It is not fair to the wife who stays at home to look after the children while her husband cheats her on business trips. Cheating hurts just anyone, especially the fairer sex. The proper wife who have to always stay at home to look after the family are not aware of being cheated. But if we look at things at a closer range, all of us will be angered by such deeds. If you have a father who always cheat on your mother, how will you feel? If you have a beloved daughter and she is always cheated by her husband, how will you feel?

[3] Learn to troubleshoot

All of us should be responsible for what we do. All of us have to be aware that a secret will not be a secret forever. Sometimes after a husband cheated his wife overseas, he brought back herpes and had his wife infected. I personally knew of a case where her husband cheated on her on a business trip to Peking and brought back a horrible sex disease. She only found out through her pregnancy of her third child because the doctor told her that her baby was diseased and have to be aborted.

It was double shock for her. She cried her eyes swollen and I personally comforted her during her abortion which was such a disgraceful and inhuman act. I sympathized her but couldn't do anything. She was terribly upset and suffered mentally and emotionally too. She lost her baby just because of her husband's unfaithfulness. A night of betrayal have caused enough hurt and dismays not worth to mention.

[4] Beware of AIDS

Do you know the amount of people dying of AIDS? Or do you know how AIDS have caused miseries and anguish for many affected patients? Are you only looking at your own selfish needs and never understood the cries and pleads of untold women in distress? AIDS are in rampant in so many countries. Look out for more details from the net.

[5] Forbidden fruit once tasted will be difficult to rid.

The sins and temptations of flesh are not easily erased. It will be easily addicted. Bad influence brings bad results. Prevention is better than cure.

As I always mention on the case of Samson. His night of sensual pleasure caused him lifetime imprisonment and eventually death. He regretted but was too late. He sacrificed his precious life for just that night's pleasure. Temporary pleasure is just so short lived. Temporary pleasure have to be paid a hundredfold. Sometimes, we are no better than mere animals who know no morals and no self discipline.

[6] When you buy sex, you are also encouraging this profession

When there is demand, there is supply. Demand comes first. Too many young girls are now influenced by the comfort of light and easy earned money. Once known as the oldest profession is now a popular profession. Sad to say, where can we find peace of mind for our sisters and our daughters? What is our younger generations lacking of? Why the lost of control of youngsters nowadays? Why are these naive, innocent and nice girls not able to do things proper? Where is their MQ? What have gone wrong to all of us? Who to blame? The lure of .....?

[7] Pass the test

Sometimes it is a pre-set trap from your spouse. Humans should learn to pass this test, a temptation of flesh. We shouldn't only emphasize on this physical act of love, we should learn more about the 95% meaning of LOVE.. Learn more on God's love, parental love, fraternal love, spouse's love, friendships, partnerships, comrade ships and patriotic love too. It is rather on one's concept towards how one looks at love and marriage. No one can help if he or she is unwilling to change. Yes, no one, except you yourself.

Understand the law of harvest, understand the law of love. Guilt and regret and remorse will eat up one's conscience. You lose, but actually win!

You thought you win, but actually lose terribly. If you have decided to cheat, go ahead, but if you have decided not to, I salute you. I salute you because to resist such a temptation is easier said than done. But if all of us can keep to our concept of having one partner for life, you will actually gain more love, more affection, more admiration, more respect, more happiness, more trust from your partner, from your friends and from your family. That is what I should say to sum up this article.

The best love for each other is that love that matters more than the need to be together! Being known with these 7 good reasons why men shouldn't cheat their wives, the husband will understand the meaning of becoming a healthier and happier one.

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