
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Beware of 12 common cancer-causing 'elements' in our sweet home!

Let's have a look at all those cancer-causing elements basically found in our home!

[1] Vanishes, Industrial coatings, Plasters, Paints and Solvents and Glues from water pipes
These are generally found in newly completed or renovated homes where most of them are freshly applied to walls, floors, water pipes in bedrooms, sitting rooms, kitchens and even our bathroom.
A very distinctive sign of all these home furnishing will be the unbearable odor when applied inside or outside the house on walls, floors, ceilings in our bedrooms, sitting rooms and bathrooms too. Risks are there because many of us spend more time at home.

[2] Electrical appliances
Most electrical appliances produce small or slight radiation and is never healthy towards those who are constantly exposed to them. What are these electrical appliances? Television sets, video players, computers, hand phones just to mention a few.

[3] Water-borne cancer-causing elements that comes from our water taps
Tap water is always chlorinated to kill germs and bacteria. We need chlorine but we need not drink the chlorine inside the water. Moreover, there are heavy metals, other contaminants, possible toxins that one is not aware of. In the process of washing, cleansing, cooking and drinking, many have unknowingly consumed dirtied water that might be cancer-causing in the long run.

[4] In your kitchen, in your bathroom..
Some toothpaste, shampoos, soaps, body shampoos, washing powder do contains unexplainable cancer-causing elements. Most of these are manufactured without scientific backup and lack of quality control. So, take great care to buy only reputed branded quality products which are backed up with scientific proofs.

Read the labels outside the products, its expiry date and know the basic ingredients it is made. .
Certain ingredients

[5] Insecticides to keep away mosquitoes, cockroaches and other insects
If they can kill small insects, it can also poison people slowly too when exposed for a long period of usage of the said chemicals. Moreover, it is not safe for young kids and the aged.

[6]In your bedroom
Poor ventilation in enclosed bedrooms, lacking of sunlight and fresh air will create poor quality air. Contaminated air will cause a lot of health problems. Great care should be taken as to maintain freshness of the bedroom.
There are certain contaminants in the air that will cause cancer. Free radicals from polluted air will attack our body DNA and immune system unmercifully.

[7] Improper cooking utensils
Aluminium pots, non-stick pans that gets worn out and gets thinner after constant use can cause havoc in our body when these metals and unknown chemicals are consumed with our foods cooked using them. Sad to say, it cannot be easily excreted from our body. The worst fear is that it goes into our blood streams.

[8] Unsafe food containers, food storage compartment
Some housewives are ignorant about using safe food containers, when microwaving and cooking. Some food containers are not suitable for storing hot foods, especially plastic and rubber.

[9] Your supplies of canned foods, preserved foods, sauces, moldy foods, stale foods kept too long, .
Some canned foods are full of cancer-causing elements. Moldy foods are never advisable for consumption too. Foods rich in fats that become stale is cancer-causing too. Beware of stale groundnuts! It is the fat that cause it to be cancer-causing.

[10] In your wardrobe
Dark deep colored lingerie and underwear..... Those underwear that are wore day and night, close to our sensitive body parts ... caused by certain dyes can be cancer-causing. A word of advice, don't buy or wear dark colored lingerie or underwear.

[11] In your cardboard
You might keep some medicines, pills, cough drops and be in some form of medication. Some drugs are only found to contain carcinogens after a period of trial and error. What a big guinea pig we have become!

[12] In your dressing room
Some skin care products and cosmetics might also contain cancer-causing elements too. Beware of some skin care products who never emphasized on safety and quality control. Sometimes it is too late, sometimes not, but preventive measures are still the best!

How much is too much exposure? How much will one accumulate enough of these toxemia and acidosis? How much longer can we remain free from tumour growth? How much do we know about cancer prevention? How much do we know about free radicals and antioxidants?

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