
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Do not fear the evil, give them chances...

Do not be afraid
of those that seem
to threaten you with their own weaknesses.

Those that choose
the easy paths that are
filled with short term pleasures
will soon realize that it ends abruptly.

They, too,
will be forced to turn around,
one day - they, too,
will realize at one time that their sins
were caused by their own irrational thoughts,
impure feelings and wasteful actions.

Do not waste your time
in trying to lead the one
that is determined
not to move from his own grave.

Do not look behind,
My child, to see if he follows.

Let his own self rebel,
let his own strength
from within arise to burn his anger -
let him find his own strength of purity
that can sweeten every bitterness.

By reacting and responding to his wicked ways -
by pleading with him to change -
you will only ignite the desire within him
to control you with his own petty fears.

from a divine source...

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