
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Education must inculcate values of caring and sharing...

Education that does not
inculcate values of caring and sharing
is not fit to be called education.

Education should not be
educated to produce foolish man
who even know not of his true self.

Education should not
produce mean-minded people
who are not willing to give up his wicked qualities.

But sad to say,

Modern education
leads only to argumentation,
not total wisdom.

Ask yourself...

"What is the use of acquiring worldly education if it cannot lead you to immortality?"

Acquire the knowledge that will make you immortal. There are a large number of people who are in much poorer circumstances than you. You must strive to ameliorate their condition as much as you can. When you help others, that itself is your reward. One earn merit by helping others and not hurting them.

from a divine source

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