
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How will anti-biotics harm our immune system?

Antibiotics destroy both harmful and friendly bacteria in our body. When these friendly bacteria are also destroyed, our immune system will be at stake since we need those friendly bacteria to support the body's immune system.

Antibiotics also increase the resistance of just any harmful bacteria that may happen to survive, thus they suppress the body's ability to produce its own natural antibiotics.

Antibiotics may be necessary for serious, life-threatening infections, but most of the antibiotics are simply prescribed for the sake of prescibing. The antibiotics developed over the last 30 years have not destroyed the source of diseases, but instead these diseases-causing microbes have mutated instead.

The mutated microbes when exposed to super drugs are now no longer fearing just any antibiotics. Even the most powerful drugs are nowadays finding themselves losing to those mutated microbes.

At the same time, all of us are are also exposed to consuming meats highly laced with antibiotics necessary for the survival of those animals, thus instead ending up in our own stomach. Steroids too are found in these meats that also attack our immune system.

There are certain natural occurring plant origins that can also replace antibiotics too. Studies have found Echinaecia, garlic and some herbs to work well as to boost the immune system too especially when one is down with a cold. Do look out for some natural remedies instead of using harmful antibiotics that brings more harm than cure.

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