
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Know anything about our immune system?

Our immune system is our most potent and powerful weapon against AIDS, cancer, and many other common diseases. It is our most important body system. It has been working well inside our body ever since we are born.

Unfortunately, it is the most ignored aspect of human health because most people tend to ignore that we all have an inner healing system or I call it an inner doctor that heals us. Hopefully, all of us will be more aware that our body's immune system is the most important weapon in the fight against diseases.

Here are 3 points to understand:
[1] Only our body's own immune system, our inner healing system can manage to cure a disease

[2] Doctors and alternative medicine practitioners can only assist the body to do this

[3] Wholesome nutrients from natural food sources works better than drugs in strengthening the immune system and preventing us from getting sick

Our health depends on the strength of our immune system. Our immune system will very much affect many illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer's Diseases, chronic fatigue, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, stiff joints, weak bones and poor digestion. Most of them are caused by the downfall of our immune system.

When our immune system is powerful enough to fight or destroy deadly viruses and bacteria, we will be free of immune system related diseases. But sad to say, our immune system is also very vulnerable and can easily be weakened or destroyed without our knowledge. Thus it is of great importance that we make sure that our immune system is working well for all of us and that we should never ever try to destroy it by antibiotics, junk foods, unnecessary surgeries and stress factors and pollutants like toxemia.

We should all know more about all those wonderful, natural good foods that will boost our immune system. Most of these foods are good anti-0xidants, great fighters of free radicals. Free radicals are found everywhere in our polluted environment as food, water and air. Thus all of us should find some time to understand natural foods that will help boost our immune system.
Following this, all of us should eat more of these natural foods that will boost our immune system.

Towards being a healthier and happier person, we all must start from understanding our immune system. Prevention is of course better than cure....

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