
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Once you have found faith.... there is nothing you cannot do..

There is nothing you cannot do,
once you have found faith.
Nothing is mightier than the inner Will -
nothing can defeat it, not even death -
for it lives much beyond the body.

Do not be discouraged by
anticipating the fears of the future.
There is nothing that is constant in life,
My dear - change is what gives you stability, O child.

Change is not the challenge,
but in fact; it is the proof
of your constant awareness with the self.

Change can be experienced
only by the one that believes it
to threaten one's own existence as the self.
For the self, My dear, there is no change -
it's eyes of permanence will not see
nor believe in the teasing illusions of this world.

Hence, do not be teased by nature,
destiny, time, or circumstances, anymore.
Face them, and they will fade away like the dream that had no truth.

from a divine source..

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