
Monday, March 26, 2007

One will make enemies only when one encourages resentments and bitterness in the unloved ones...

One will make enemies,
only when one encourages
the resentment and bitterness in the unloved one.

Let him bite - let him gnaw -
let him scratch - let him growl -
stay and react completely unhurt,
and he will break the differences,
himself, and will bend with your inspirational strength.

Hatred is only an expression of unreceived love -
hence, do not be fooled by the nature of its sting.
Stand firm by your principles, do not ever
attempt to change the nature of the truth.

It is only such attempts
that will leave you hopelessly weak.
Weakness, too, is only an illusion
that lets the inner strength appear latent or dead.

There are no weak -
there are no fears -
there is no lie - there is no hate -
there is no mind - there is no need nor wish -
all is illusion - all is the appearance and disappearance of the false eye -
the false vision - the false conception - the false identification -

Yes! All is false, My child,
even your birth and death.
For you, there is no coming - no going.
It is simply being and existing, always,
in the bliss of truth - No life, no way of life
and no birth can ever take that away from you!

from a divine source

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