
Friday, March 23, 2007

The trace mineral .... zinc

This trace mineral zinc is an essential mineral that is found in almost every cell. It stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes, which are substances that promote biochemical reactions in our body.

Zinc also supports a healthy immune system, is needed for wound healing and helps maintain our sense of taste and smell. It is also needed for DNA synthesis. It also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood and adolescence.

Zinc is found in a wide variety of foods. Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food. Red meat and poultry also contains zinc. Other good food sources include beans, nuts, certain seafood, whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals and dairy products.

Zinc deficiency most often occurs when it is inadequate or poorly absorbed. Signs of zinc deficiency include growth retardation, hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation and impotence, eye and skin lesions, and loss of appetite.

It sometimes also cause weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities and mental lethargy.

Zinc....... is a trace mineral, not too much, but a little goes a far way for a healthier and happier you.

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