
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why should we attain divinity?

First of all,
one should have faith in oneself.

Develop self-confidence,
which will
lead to self-satisfaction.

When you have self-satisfaction,
you will
be prepared for self-sacrifice.

Only through self-sacrifice,
can one
attain self-realisation.

Self-realisation means
to realise that you are everything.

Self-confidence is the foundation,
self-satisfaction is the wall,
self-sacrifice is the roof
and self-realisation is life.

No one can live
in a building without roof.
The roof cannot be laid
without walls
and walls cannot be raised
without a foundation.

self-confidence, self-satisfaction,
and self-sacrifice are very
essential for self-realisation.

Today man has lost self-confidence.

If one loses self-confidence,
one loses everything.
Only through
can one have the vision
of the latent divine effulgence.

from a divine source..

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