
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Develope vison not on the body but concentrate on the Maker...

The principle that food
is only a drug to cure hunger is ignored
and man is enslaved to the tongue.

All the twenty-four hours
are spent in attending to the care of the body,
the prevention of disease, the promotion of health,
the development of muscle, etc.

No care is spent on the God,
resident in the physical tabernacle,
who has to be recognized and revered.

The weighing machine,
on which you stand and read your weight with pride,
laughs at you for the silly exaltation.
It sneers at your conceit over physical victories;
it warns you against too much concern over paltry gains.
It knows that death is lying in wait to snatch you away,
however heavy you may grow. Develop vision, not the body,
concentrate on the Maker, not the made.

from a divine source

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