
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Faith and truth go hand in hand..

Faith and truth go hand in hand,
My dear - Faith abhors falsehood.

Hence, it will not awaken,
if one is still held like a puppet by the mind.

One cannot believe in
one's impure thoughts
and hope for it to happen -

No! My child.
Such impure thought
will only lead you to the pit
that you dug for your own fall.

One must develop faith
not to simply boast of it -
faith is sacrifice - it is silent love -
it is the patient learner - the eager teacher.

Once you have spoken
with pride of your faith in God,
you have made faith
the spectacle of your own confusion.

learn to experience
it with the self, alone.
Each one comes with only one true self -
hence, each spark of light,
lights his own torch and
leaves to merge with the eternal flame, forever.

from a divine source

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