
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

If the patience within you is beginning to break, then make the silent exit!

If the patience
within you is beginning to break -
then make the silent exit,
My child, from the scene
where the battle is showing the signs of eruption.

Leave, My child,
for there is nothing to lose - nothing to win.

Give him the room
to find his lost peace -
give yourself the time
to regain the strength to endure
the present feeling of shakiness.

Let time pass -
with time, evil thoughts lessen -
the anger and resentment fades -
one begins to repent the past moments.

This is the process of self-healing,
My child - self-healing for one,
with his own inner strength,
binds lesser and lesser with the pain, and instead,
with forgiveness, he bathes himself with the purity of compromise.

Be like the child
that holds no resentment -
their innocence and sincerity
lets them overcome all evils -
their nature is to be happy -
happiness is spontaneous in them.

Be happy, My child, at all times.
The one that strikes you on the cheek
will feel equal pain on his palm.

The wrong doer will
suffer much more than
the one that is wronged.

Knowing that,
leave all self-pity,
and dive to help the one
that has not only lost his strength,
but has lost, today, the brilliance,
the clarity, the vision and the promise of his own future!

from a divine source

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