
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Remember it takes two to fight, two to argue,two to disagree.., the blame can never be of only one!.

Remember, it takes two to fight,
two to argue, two to disagree, hence,
My child, the blame can never be of only one.

In a relationship, there are at least two involved.
Know and remember that two minds will rarely think completely alike -
one is thus, inevitably, going to face an opposing view,
even from the one who he feels is the closest or dearest to him.

The two egos are bound to clash to produce the sound of disharmony.
Two humans that are at a different stage of their spiritual development are surely going to comprehend the other's path much lesser than their own. What is the best you can do to avoid the ugliness of uncalled harshness?

Stay silent, My child -
not out of stubbornness or pride,
but out of the wealth that you have
gathered in the process of receiving the Inner God.

Know and realize that
the one that has already
stepped into the lava of uncontrollable anger will not,
at that moment, be able to see and comprehend the truth.

Why respond unkindly to the one that is already suffering from the self-attack?

from a divine source

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