
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Man are themselves carrying a weapon of self-destruction and trives in the lap of evil... heed and change!

Man, in his pursuit
for the golden worldly riches,
has adapted to living the heartless life.

Driven by selfish desires,
motivated by greed and competitiveness,
he does not hesitate to slander each one of his brothers.

With little or no compassion,
he walks the path of life,
himself frightened by his own beastly behavior.

In trying to
justify his every wrong,
he envelops himself in a cloud of denial,
making every mistake purposely blurry
to the God given perfect sense of discrimination.

Carrying the weapon of self destruction,
he, himself, pitifully ends another life, once again, in the lap of evil!

Stop before it is too late...

from a divine source

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