
Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Remember that our body is fragile, but we are unbreakable!

Remember, always,
that the body is fragile -
you are unbreakable!

The mind can be weak
with unfocused thoughts -
you are the power of that strength
that has the control over all!

Life can turn with time -
you can make time turn to make
your chosen life with God come true!

Death can take away
from you the body
but not the spirit of life.

Know that

The might of time
Can change your life
But never you!
Let fear go, let faith come
And let it bring with it
The power of the inner will
That shakes the hands of time!
Only you can make the life perfect
You, My child, have the key to the Master
For you are the knowledge of God
That has come to live its brilliance.

from a divine source

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