
Thursday, May 17, 2007

The tongue exemplifies sacrifice....

The tongue exemplifies sacrifice.
When it tastes sweet delicacies,
it sends them to the stomach.

But if the item is bitter,
the tongue at once spits it out.

Not merely that,
the tongue conducts itself
in the most honourable manner.

It does not step
out of its house (mouth)
under any circumstances.

It does all its work
without crossing its limits.

While all other senses
do only one work each,
the tongue alone has the capacity
to do two types of work, namely, to taste and to speak.

That is why one has to
exercise proper control
over the tongue lest
it should indulge in sinful activities
like talking ill of others.

In times of anger,
observe silence.

Our ancients taught:
talk less, work more.

The lesser you speak,
the purer your heart remains.

from a divine source

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