
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Arrogance is the one quality we must avoid at any cost..

Arrogance, the one quality we must avoid at any cost.
However much we are gifted, never pride yourself.

It is really the ego which spin the web
of illusion around your pure soul.

Once the web thickens,
then there is only darkness inside,
Any amount of light outside the web
can not illuminate the soul inside caught in the web.

Hence beware of the Ego,
which entices you into believing
that the ego really care for us.
It is a false phantom.

It is just like a parasite.
Ego needs a body to thrive,
a mind to play lulluby to it.

Enquire into its real identity.
It fleds away. The real identity
is that of the SELF.

Ego really assume the role
of the self and misguide us
into treachery and treson.

Why fall prey to its pleadings.
Remain strong intellectually
and stand on your ground which is the Self.

None can harm you any more.
March forward like lion cubs in the jungle of life.
Be moving till you reach your final goal.

from a divine source

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