
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Be kind and gentle in every little thing you do..

Be kind and gentle
in every little thing you do.
A kind smile - a gentle word -
a warm touch will inspire the true self
to rise and awaken with its fullest glory.

Wherever you look, it is only a mirror,
My child, for, in every form of life
there is only the one reflection -
that of the self alone!

Hence, helping another
is only awakening your vision
to the true reality.

Embracing another
is only learning to love
who you really are.

Lifting another with
your confidence is only
finding the strength of the self.

Believing and trusting another
is only finding the strength of unshakable faith.

Guiding another is finding one's own way.
Hence, realize, My dear child, that in all the good you do -
it is only you that ultimately receives the wealth of all the pure efforts.

Remember only God, My child; forgive and forget the rest!

from a divine source

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