
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Be yourself always..

Be yourself, always

No matter what fear may bring
The wheel of life will only turn
You, My child, must see the center
Of that circle that never travels
To the whims of time and fate

Embrace all that comes as love
And release the fears that bind you to wish
Let all the pretenses fall
And rise to play life's every role
With the wisdom of the one reality
- the one truth
And in this wondrous experience of
love and truth

Find the peace of your own self.
Be yourself, always
Then only will you realize, O Love
That God lives
In you
As the simple sweet truth!

Yes! God expresses His Divine Will
Only when you find the courage
To be only you! Only you! Only you!
For only in the real you
Is the Divine presence!

from a divine source

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