
Saturday, June 23, 2007

let us forget yesterday's anger and resentments, and let us remember that love and understanding will free us from resentments..

Let me forget yesterday's anger and resentment.
Let me remember that love and understanding
free me from resentment.

Let me forget all unkind remarks.
Let me remember that what others say
cannot hurt me unless I accept the offense.

Let me forget past injury and injustice.
Let me remember that divine love
works through me to forgive,
and to bless those who have
caused me trouble in the past.

Let me forget the faults and shortcomings
of my friends and companions.
Let me remember that by praising and
appreciating others' commendable traits,
I help them to express their true Inner selves.

Let me forget yesterday's
disappointments and failures.
Let me remember that today offers new
opportunities for success and happiness.

Let me forget the idle gossip
or the scandal that comes to my ears.
Let me remember that all I say about
others should be helpful and constructive.

Let me forget yesterday's aches and pains.
Let me remember that God's
pure life gives me health today.
Let me forget old fears and weaknesses.
Let me remember that God's
almighty presence is ever with me,
and God can work through me to accomplish good.

from a divine source

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